grosser handicaps
Step Four at a Glance
February 4, 2025
grosser handicaps
Step Four at a Glance
February 4, 2025

Nothing of Importance is Ever Achieved Without It

By the Editor, Central Bulletin February, 1966

The third and final test of sobriety we shall consider is that of sacrifice. In a sense it is the ultimate test of the quality of our sober life. It is the cornerstone of all that is spiritual in our way of life. If you were to ask one of the many noble spirits in our fellowship about sacrifice, he or she would probably deny knowledge of what you are talking about.

Sacrifice for others has probably become such a fixed part of their life that it is natural and routine. Likewise the warm satisfaction that they have come to know is no doubt the most rewarding facet of their happy life.

Putting it simply, sacrifice is the willingness to forego immediate ease or gratification for the sake of a larger end. It is the case of giving the best you have for the best you know. At time of birth all of us receive the precious gift of life. It is literally all that we have, any of us. Then we proceeded to desecrate this gift when we lost our bout with alcohol.

Finally through the infinite mercy of Him who gave us life in the first place, we were given a second life with sobriety. The best we have to give in this second market place is our sober life. We also know that through giving of it without thought of reward, we find a greater reward than we have ever before conceived.

Nothing of importance in life is ever achieved without sacrifice. The mother endures pain that her child may be born. The father goes without so that his child may have some advantages which were never his. The scientist shuts himself up in an austere laboratory comparable to the seclusion of a medieval monk.

Our philosophy as set forth in the Twelve Steps is replete with the principle of sacrifice. We sacrifice our own ego in the act of surrender under Step 3. This is not a single act, it must be a continuous one, over and over again. We must sacrifice to make adequate amends under Step 9 and in some cases these amends are also a lifetime process.

Fearless personal inventories and prompt admissions when we are wrong are also sacrifices, at least in terms of puncturing our ego. These items are mentioned first because without the humility they create we are actually not in the frame of mind for Step 11, nor are we really qualified for Twelfth Step work.

Of course, the real crux of our medium for sacrifice comes in Step 12, not only in helping other alcoholics, which means helping each other as well as those who still suffer. Beyond that, remember “to practice these principles in all our affairs”. The sober alcoholic who is qualified to give aid and comfort to the one who still suffers, has at least some talent to aid and comfort those with severe tribulations in life although they may be wholly unrelated to alcoholism.

Look back over your sober life. Those you have sponsored, or otherwise helped, will loom largest in any effort to take inventory of your accomplishments in this way of life. If it turns out that it isn’t much of an inventory, then you had best start cramming for a better grade on the test of sacrifice.

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